Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who I be.

It would be rude to start any story without a slight introduction to the main characters.

I'm the main character in the story, which goes without saying, being a diary and all. Despite this, I hardly feel like talking all that much about myself. It's prioritise the main points.

  • 22 years old
  • Cancerian (apparently astrology defines a person)
  • Adopted from the Philippines
  • Half Filipino, half english
  • My birth mother was 20. My birth father was married, with a son and looked about 50
  • I am emotional, dramatic, erratic and have double stanards
  • I fall in love every week
  • Everyone I fall for is a complete head fuck, wanker or emotionally challenged.
  • I've been told I know how to pick em but never how to ditch them
  • I'm loyal to those I love
  • I always have a new story
  • I have issues, anxiety and a serious addiction to fashion
So there it is. Now I'll introduce the supporting actors and actresses. Every good story has a few.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The general business

Here it is, the private life of Katja Cute. It's been mentioned several times to me that I should consider a life of selling my life stories to Days of Our Lives. Personally, I'd prefer the trashier Passions or even Gossip Girl to draw inspiration from my life doings, but unfortunately they aren't for sale.

No doubt, nothing I do is far more outrageous that anyone else. In fact I often find myself boring, it's just a cliche twenty something searching for themselves. Lame.

So this is my blog, I guess you get to make the final verdict. I'm either lame and boring or some drastically, dramatic woman of the world. Who knows.